QMHS Bids a Fond Farewell to an Amazing Custodian

"This is Larry Baylor, and I APPROVE this Announcement!"

Miles Shea, Jennifer Stonebarger
Jan 30, 2025
Larry plaque.JPEG

With great joy for Mr. Larry Baylor and his family but profound sadness in losing one fantastic teammate and gentleman, Larry will retire, after almost 3 decades of military (U.S. Army) and federal service, on January 31st! Larry has been incredible to work with. This old building looks amazing every day. He is engaging and personable, he has an encyclopedic knowledge of sports and he will be missed more than he knows! Congratulations Larry!

Larry grew up in King George county, where he still makes his home.

On Friday, the Staff and Faculty at QMHS honored Mr. Larry with a bouquet of gift cards, a basket of goodies, and a plaque made by Mr. Winderl and Dr. Morin

from wood harvested from the old gym floor. We hope his next SEVERAL meals and other items will be courtesy of his coworkers and friends. We wish him the absolute BEST!



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