DoD Instruction 5400.17
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
DoDEA school counselors provide comprehensive counseling programs to all students in grades K–12, in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 2946.1, “School Counseling Services,” July 13, 2009, and DoDEA Manual 2946.2, “Department of Defense Education Activity School Counseling Services,” January 1, 2006. Counseling programs are designed to foster a foundation for lifelong learning by removing barriers to students’ academic success. Early identification and intervention of students’ academics needs is essential in removing barriers to learning and promoting academic growth. School counselors provide direct and indirect student services and curricular activities to increase the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for students to achieve their potential academically and physically for life, college, and career readiness.
Elementary school counseling programs are crucial in supporting students’ attitudes and personal views toward school, self, and peers groups. In elementary grades, school counseling programs support and provide education on prevention and intervention services, promoting positive academic skills and career awareness — skills students need to be competent and confident learners.
Secondary school counseling programs are designed to meet the rapidly changing needs of students in grades 6–12, while preparing them for high school and beyond. College and career exploration and planning are emphasized at the secondary level. As middle school students learn to manage more independence and responsibilities, school counseling programs are designed to connect learning to practical application in life and work, and foster effective learning/study skills.
High school counseling programs are designed to foster student preparation and readiness for successful college and career pathways after high school. All secondary students create and manage a four- to six-year plan with their counselor. The four- to six-year plan is managed in SchooLinks and is designed to teach students how to create and attain their graduation, college, and career goals, while taking into account their interests, aptitudes, and graduation requirements.
Please contact your school counselor for additional information regarding the school counseling program.
In accordance with the policy stated in DoDEA Regulation 2095.01, “School Attendance,” August 26, 2011, as amended, school attendance is mandatory. All students are required to attend school to ensure continuity of instruction and that they successfully meet academic standards and demonstrate continuous educational progress. School attendance is a joint responsibility between the parent or sponsor, student, classroom teacher, school personnel, and, in some cases, the Command. Students with excessive school absences (or tardiness) shall be monitored by the Student Support Team to assist in the completion of all required work and successful mastery of course objectives.
Daily student attendance is identified based upon a quarter of the school day formula. Students will be identified as present or absent, based on the following criteria:
DoDEA considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence from school for reasons other than school-related activities:
Unexcused absences may result in school disciplinary actions. An absence from school or a class without written verification from a parent or sponsor will be unexcused. Student attendance is calculated based upon the date of enrollment in a DoDEA school, which may occur anytime during the school year. Student attendance monitoring is designed to provide a continuum of intervention and services to support families and children in keeping children in school and combating truancy and educational neglect. Parents should notify the school of their child’s absence 30 minutes after the start of the school day. Too many unexcused absences may trigger the Student Support Team to convene.
School attendance is important and in order to receive the best education, students need to Be Here! DoDEA's system-wide attendance policy for students is consistent with those found in many public schools throughout the United States.
School attendance issues have been identified as a serious issue for children throughout the country and military children are no exception.
DoDEA's attendance policy provides specific guidance on attendance, absences and identifies support services for students at-risk for not fulfilling the grade or course requirements.
It's not surprising that regular school attendance correlates directly with success in academic work, improves social interaction with adults and peers and provides opportunities for important communication between teachers and students. Regular attendance also has a cumulative effect of establishing life-long positive traits - responsibility, determination, respect for rules of society - that are critical for developing career readiness skills, success in college and in life.
The policy establishes a balance between the need for military families to spend time together following deployment, while emphasizing the importance of education. We have and will continue to be as flexible as possible in accommodating the precious time families have together but flexibilities and accommodations have limitations, especially when they impact on student performance and attendance at school.
Procedures for monitoring daily student attendance and communicating with families are established in this policy. Academic penalties will not be imposed for excused absences. Students at-risk will be monitored by the Student Support Team and school administration to include the identification of supports and interventions.
Many families - both military and non-military - underestimate the importance of regular school attendance for young children (kindergarten and first grade) but even missing just 5% of kindergarten - that's just nine days - can be an indicator that a child will fall behind by the fifth grade.
Children take their cue from their parents when it comes to the importance of school attendance. To have a quality education experience, you need to be here.
There are times when a student needs to miss school - everyone understands that. But attendance is important. To have a quality education experience, you need to Be Here.
In the wake of school violence throughout the world, it is important to analyze the causes of violence and implement preventive measures to assure that every student and adult will feel secure in the school environment. DoDEA implemented a system-wide Bully Prevention program as a part of the Safe Schools and Character Education program.
Bullying is defined as a means to have power over another and it takes many forms: physical, verbal, and indirect such as gossip and isolation. Bullying leaves long-lasting scars for its victims. Bullies have a higher incidence of antisocial behavior, domestic violence and crime as adults. Society pays a heavy toll for tolerating bullying behavior and bullies.
In DoDEA schools and community, bullying will not go unchallenged and will not be tolerated. All students, staff members, parents and the community play vital roles to ensure our children are not bullied, do not act as bullies, and will not allow others to bully. Our schools have a moral obligation to provide our students and the school community with the proper information, prevention strategies, and defenses to create a safe, accepting and caring environment for all.
Bullying is a widespread and serious problem across our nation. It's what happens when someone repeatedly hurts or threatens another person on purpose. Bullying comes in many forms-name-calling, leaving people out, spreading rumors or physically hurting someone. And it can happen in person, in writing, online, on cell phones, in school, on the bus, at home, or anywhere. It is not a normal rite of passage, it has serious consequences and it's NOT acceptable.
DoDEA is firmly committed to providing all students with a safe and supportive learning environment. Every child is entitled to feel safe in the classroom, in the hallway and on playgrounds and buses. Bullying, verbal harassment, and cyber-bullying interfere with a student's ability to learn. All of us, teachers, administrators, students and parents, must work together to eliminate unacceptable bullying and harassing behavior. Together we can make our schools safe places to learn, grow and thrive.
Bully prevention will continue to be a top priority for DoDEA as we begin the school year. As a part of our commitment, DoDEA has joined forces with the Department of Health and Human Services and others to bring a reinvigorated and broader focus on bully prevention to our schools and communities. DoDEA will adopt the national slogan "Stop Bullying Now! Take a Stand. Lend a Hand," to help unify our efforts and build a common understanding of, and expectations for, DoDEA's commitment and action to prevent bullying.
This year, the Department of Defense and the Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention, are encouraging the youth in our military communities to submit original Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that showcase ways youth are taking action against bullying and promoting a culture of tolerance, kindness, and respect in their communities. PSAs should be informative and entertaining videos that send a positive message to youth about the importance of being "more than a bystander" to bullying in their schools and communities.
We owe and must provide every student the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment. Learn more about doing your part to stop bullying now.
This information identifies DoDEA's high school graduation requirements. Students who plan to pursue college athletics should also visit the NCAA Eligibility site to ensure their course taking aligns with NCAA eligibility requirements. The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children is now formally recognized as part of DoDEA's secondary education policy. Please consult with the school counselor for further guidance or questions regarding graduation requirements.
DoDEA graduation requirements differ depending on the year a student enters 9th grade. The requirements are identified below on three separate color-coded documents dated to correspond to the year of initial entry into 9th grade. These documents are intended to help students and parents to determine the number of credits and the distribution of credits by subject area required to receive a DoDEA standard diploma or an honors diploma. Please consult with your school counselor for further guidance or questions.
School Year 2020-21, Class of 2024 |
School Year 2021-22, Class of 2025 |
School Year 2022-23, Class of 2026 |
School Year 2023-24, Class of 2027 |
School Year 2024-25, Class of 2028 |
Request Forms may be emailed or mailed and should include the following information:
Phone Number: (571) 372-1886
Mailing Address:
DoDEA Headquarters
Attention: Transcripts
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400
Requests must include:
Phone Number: (571) 372-1886
Mailing Address:
DoDEA Headquarters
Attention: Transcripts
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400
Graduates and Former Students of DoDEA High Schools may request Transcripts by contacting the DoDEA Records Center which currently maintains High School Transcripts and Master Class Lists dependent upon the Student's graduation date or last date of attendance. The DoDEA Records Center can verify and provide information for Graduates and Former Students in the following categories:
Students or Parents of Students currently attending a DoDEA High School should request transcripts directly from the school of attendance. Students or Parents of Students transitioning to a Non-DoDEA school should also request their student records from their last school of attendance. Please locate the school's contact information on our website by clicking the down arrow on the "FIND YOUR SCHOOL" link in the upper right hand corner of the website.
All Elementary and Middle School Records are maintained by the Schools. Please contact the School directly for Student Records. Records for Recently Closed Schools can be requested from the Regional Office where the School was formerly located. Elementary/Middle School records are only maintained for five years after withdrawn and are then destroyed IAW the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Records Disposition Schedule.
College Bound? If you are interested in attending college after graduating from high school, this page will help you get started.
While it's true when it comes to preparing for college. "the earlier. the better", it is never too late to plan for higher education.
To make your dreams of college a reality, you will need to formulate a step-by-step plan. The following checklist is one possible way to carry out your preparations for college:
You may choose to order your preparations for college differently, but remember that the key to successful college selection and admissions is careful planning. Good luck to you as you plan for college!
A portfolio is an excellent way to get started in planning for college. This method of preparing to enter college should begin early, usually by the eighth or ninth grade, but can be started at any time. Your portfolio will contain information about your extracurricular activities, awards, jobs (including volunteer work), and grades at school. It's a good idea to collect the information about these important milestones - in the form of notes, report cards, award certificates, newspaper articles, photographs, etc. - as they happen. That way, you won't have to remember and collect everything when you are ready to apply for college.
Start with your school's guidance counselor. Make an appointment to talk about your plans for college - thoughts on your future study and career, type of school (a two-year community college or a four-year college), location, and expenses. Make a list of questions you'd like to ask your guidance counselor before your appointment. Some examples might be:
Don't overlook the power of the Internet when you start considering different colleges. Although actually visiting the colleges you're interested in is desirable, "cyber visits" to colleges can also provide very helpful information for the prospective student. Colleges and their admission requirements can vary greatly. One of the best sources of information about college is already available to you through the MyROAD computer program, which is available at all DoDEA high schools. MyROAD is updated every year, and has proven to be a very useful tool for students and their parents to plan for college. If you don't already know how to use MyROAD, ask your guidance counselor how to get started. There are excellent resources available to you through the Internet:
Most colleges require some kind of standardized test as part of your application packet. If the college you want to attend requires the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT, for example, you will want to become familiar with what it is and how to take it. Talk to your guidance counselor and check the MyROAD program at your school to learn more. You can also log on to The College Board Online , which includes a number of helpful resources, including a daily practice question for the SAT.
One of the big topics you will have to consider when you plan for college is how you will pay for it. In general, there are three types of financial aid available to supplement any funds you already have:
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Apply for federally funded financial assistance for education beyond high school.
CollegeBoard: BigFuture Scholarships and Aid
BigFuture - Get Ready for College - College Planning, Financial Aid, Educator Resources
Federal Student Aid Handbook
This guide is intended for college financial aid administrators and counselors who help students begin the aid process—filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form, verifying information, and making corrections and other changes to the information reported on the FAFSA.
Federal Student Aid
Finding and applying for scholarships: Start researching early, and meet deadlines, and you may be on your way to scholarship success.
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation honors Marines and their families by helping cover the cost of attending post-high school, undergraduate, and career and technical education programs.
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship Fund
MOAA established the MOAA Scholarship Fund in 1948 to provide educational assistance benefits to children of military families.
National Merit Scholarship Program
High School students who meet published program entry and participation requirements enter the National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) at the specified time in the high school program, usually as juniors.
The Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) is a free program offered at some military installations, it offers flexibility and strict confidentiality. Contact your local school guidance counselor to see if this program is offered at your school.
Because military families face unique challenges, especially during this time of war, the Department of Defense provides professional, licensed consultants who offer non-medical behavioral consultation to Service members and their families, children, and staff members.
Called Military Family Life Consultants or MFLCs (pronounced "em-flaks"), they serve each branch of the military service at every installation around the world, at no cost to families.
Our MFLC works in partnership with the services and with the school but, as a DOD program, maintains some independence to ensure strict confidentiality. For example,
The only exception to strict confidentiality is federal, state or military reporting requirements for domestic violence, child abuse and duty-to-warn situations.
Military families experience many changes so supporting people through change is the most common issue. The MFLC provides behavioral consultation for other issues that are likely to improve in a short period of time. Examples are:
The MFLC helps in a number of roles using several methods, for example the MFLC:
There are strict quality controls for the MFLC Program. For example:
At Quantico MHS, the MFLC can help address challenging behaviors and strengthen the capacity of staff, families, programs, and systems to meet the needs of military children and youth by:
If you would like for your child to receive MFLC services, please read and sign the “QMHS – MFLC Parent Permission Slip.” This document is linked here, or your child can get one from the MFLC at school. Submit it to the MFLC by sending it to school with your child or by email.
The Air Force Academy is both a military organization and a university. Much of the Academy is set up like most other Air Force bases, particularly the 10th Air Base Wing, but the superintendent, commandant, dean of faculty and cadet wing are set up in a manner resembling a civilian university.
The United States Coast Guard Academy presents an unrivaled opportunity to attend an elite professional college that charges no tuition and guarantees a challenging and
rewarding career upon graduation.
The United States Merchant Marine Academy is a federal service academy that educates and graduates leaders of exemplary character who are committed to serve the national security, marine transportation, and economic needs of the United States as licensed Merchant Marine Officers and commissioned officers in the Armed Forces. With 95 percent of the world's products transported over water, these leaders are vital to the effective operation of our merchant fleet for both commercial and military transport in peace and war. Academy graduates abide by the motto: “Acta Non Verba," or "Deeds Not Words," and are leaders that exemplify the concept of service-above-self.
As the undergraduate college of our country’s naval service, the Naval Academy prepares young men and women to become professional officers of competence, character, and compassion in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Naval Academy students are midshipmen on active duty in the U.S. Navy. They attend the academy for four years, graduating with bachelor of science degrees and commissions as ensigns in the Navy or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Naval Academy graduates serve at least five years in the Navy or Marine Corps.
The U.S. Military Academy at West Point's mission is "to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army."