The Warriors' Call

Vol 1 - 2024 October
September 30, 2024

Greetings QMHS Community!

On behalf of the staff and faculty of Quantico Middle High School, we would like to congratulate you on smooth start to a busy new School Year 2024-25! We have a wonderful community of support at every level of our school.

In the last 8 weeks, our community has formed sports teams and entered into competition, started many of our school clubs and activities, AND engaged in learning experiences in and out of the classroom. Soon we’ll have our Homecoming celebration and later this month we'll close out the first quarter of the school year!

By way of communication and connection, we would like to offer this monthly Newsletter. In addition, please be aware of our other communication portals:

  1. The QMHS Facebook page remains a reliable place to view reminders and updates on our events 
  2. Last school year we started our Instagram page, @dodeaquanticomhs,  which is helping to reach a wider audience, including some of our younger community members
  3. Students and parents have access to each day's "Morning Announcements" and an agenda-view of our public Google calendar on their Aspen landing page, so be sure to take a look at that on your way to check grades
  4. Students have access to the QMHS Students Google Classroom
  5. Our DoDEA-Quantico MHS webpage hosts much of the content that is shared in our social media, along with this newsletter, the school handbook, and other important information and resources, including the website version of our public (Google) calendar
  6. The email address you provided when you registered your child is the official communication method between school and home, so if that changes, be sure to let our Registrar know...and please check your junk/spam folder regularly
  7. For very important or emergency notices, we push info to the community through our Mass Notification System

As you can see, we have put information in variety of places. This gives you the freedom to choose how involved and informed you would like to be.

We're off to a great start to a wonderful and exciting year!

Your QMHS Administrative Team, 
Miles J. Shea, Principal, 703-459-3693
Ben Kolodziej, Assistant Principal, 703-459-3287

Quantico Middle High School - QMHS - Quality Mentoring Hastens Success

Miles Shea - Principal
Benjamin Kolodziej - Asst. Principal

October 2024 At-a-Glance

Red = Red day classes
Yellow = Gold day classes
Orange = Orange day classes (all classes meet except R4)
Oct 2 - Early release - Students attend R1-R3
Oct 14 - No School, Columbus/Indigenous Persons Day
Oct 16 - PSAT/NMSQT Gr 10-11
Oct 18 - PSAT Gr 8/9
Oct 18 - End of Q1
Oct 21 - No Classes, Teacher Work Day
Oct 22 - No Classes, Teacher Training Day

Looking ahead...

Nov 1 - No Classes, Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov 11 - No School, Veterans Day

Click the link button to download the pdf.

QMHS Red/Gold Calendar
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QMHS School Calendar

The Calendar that is located in the "Calendar" section of this site shows all of our school activities, sports, special events, and days out of school. It is updated regularly and is very reliable.

Click the link below to see the full "live" calendar.

If your child is absent from school, call (571-660-9555) 
or email ( the QMHS Main Office

When your child or children return to school, please provide the main office with a written explanation. Please note that the written explanation, by itself, does not constitute an excused absence.

Additional Info:

  • A doctor's note is required after 3 consecutive days of illness.
  • An Extended Absence Form is required for absences of 5 or more days. This includes for isolation periods, planned trips, and emergencies.

If your child is absent from school, call (571-660-9555) 
or email ( the QMHS Main Office.

Aspen for Grades

DoDEA SIS (Aspen) - Checking Grades AND Daily Announcements!

Parents, be sure to check your child(ren)'s grades in the SIS (Aspen) Parent Portal. Your access credentials are the same ones you used when you registered your child(ren). 

Through your parent access, in addition to checking grades, you have access to attendance information, the public version of our live school calendar, and daily announcements that are shared with your child!

Your child has their own access as well.

Flu Vaccines and Vision & Hearing Screenings 

Flu Vaccines

The annual Flu Vaccine is required for ALL enrolled DoDEA students.  Deadline is Dec. 1, 2024! Provide proof of vaccination to the QMHS School Nurse via email, anytime before Dec. 1, 2024.

Vision and Hearing Screenings

Vision and Hearing Screenings will be conducted Oct. 1 - Dec. 18. The purpose of the screening is to ensure the well-being and academic success of our students by identifying any potential vision or hearing issues that may impact their learning. Students in Grades 7 and 10, new students, and teacher-referred students will be screened.

If you would like to opt your child out of this screening, please send an email as soon as possible to the school nurse with your request. The hearing and vision screening is a routine process that helps detect any potential problems that may not be immediately obvious. Early detection is crucial in addressing such issues, as it can significantly impact a student's overall academic success. If a student is identified with any potential hearing or vision concern, a referral letter will be sent to Parents/Guardians promptly in order to seek appropriate medical attention.

If your child currently wears glass/contacts or has any hearing aids, please ensure they have them for the screening. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact QMHS School Nurse, Lisa Hatcher, at 571-660-9553 or via email. 

News from the Information Specialist

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Researching?  The IC has resources to help!

DoDEA has purchased 114 online databases for students. Access is gained through the Information Center folder in ClassLink. Several classes have already been using the online databases and more are scheduled for training. Here is an overview of what is available.

Gale Databases - 38 available through the App in ClassLink, Destiny Discover and MackinVIA*

ABC-CLIO - 16 available through MackinVIA*

Cavendish Square - 55 available through MackinVIA*

*Also available through MackinVIA--specialty Core Concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Periodic Table; Financial Literacy; Digital Literacy; Country Reports; Britannica Encyclopedia; Britannica Image; Britannica Spanish Center

Students should contact Mrs. Kaysak if they have any questions about these resources.

Reading Interest Survey Results

The results are in!  Students weigh in on their favorite genres to read!  

Students were asked to rate different types of books from "Love It!" to "Hate It!"  Below are the "Love It!" ratings.


Gr. 6 A tie! 37.7% Mystery/Suspense and Action/Adventure 
Gr. 7 26% Action/Adventure
Gr. 8 32.7% Action/Adventure
Gr. 9 27.3% Horror/Thriller
Gr. 10 25.9% Action/Adventure
Gr. 11 28.6% Horror/Thriller
Gr. 12 33.3% Fantasy

The overall least favorites are Poetry (37.5%) and Biography (23.5%). Pie graphs for the whole school are posted outside the IC. Check them out the next time you're at the Q!

Ed-Tech Bits

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Let's Chat about Google Chat

Google Chat is a resource that is available to students for easy communication with their classmates, teachers, and other school personnel. Most students like it and use it in an agreeable way. However, if your child is sending or receiving messages that are disagreeable or inappropriate, here are a few things you can do.

  1. If your child gets added to a non-classroom related group chat that they don't want to be in, they should leave it.
  2. If your child gets any messages that make them feel uncomfortable, they should show the message to a trusted adult. If a trusted adult is not nearby, they should take a screenshot or photo of the message (making sure to get the name/username of the sender), block the sender, then show the screenshot to a trusted adult.
  3. If your child receives a message they weren't expecting or from someone they don't know, they should delete or ignore it.
  4. If your child feels like sending an inappropriate message to someone, they should not do it. Instead, they should have a face-to-face chat with a trusted adult.

These tips apply to email as well.

Please have regular conversations with your children regarding online safety. No matter their age or digital awareness, it's best maintain a healthy flow of communication.

If you have any questions, please contact the Ed Tech.

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Emoji Kitchen

Have you ever searched for the perfect emoji, only to come up short? Well, those days of searching or sending a string of emoji are over! Head on over to the Emoji Kitchen and see what you can cook up! Not only is this a fun little activity, it's also useful as a tool to help students who struggle with processing facial expressions.

Yearbook and School Picture Info

Yearbook Info

Facebook Early Bird Yearbook Sale 08282024

QMHS SY 2024-25 Yearbook On Sale

Get your yearbook NOW!!

Early Bird Sale through Nov. 22, 2024

Only $40!

Price goes up after Nov. 22!

Use Code:  8408425

Questions about the yearbook?  Email the Yearbook Sponsor.



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Senior Ads on Sale

Class of 2025 

Senior Tribute Ads for the yearbook are available for purchase.

Sales conclude on Jan. 6, 2025

Use Code:  8408425

School Picture Info

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Senior Portraits - Prestige Photography by Lifetouch

Oct. 9, 2024 
0800-1415 in the QMHS Library

  • Students must be photographed in a tux/drape by Prestige to be included in the graduates’ section of the yearbook.
  • The Tux/Drape will be provided for required yearbook attire & count as 1 outfit.
  • Students should bring a strapless shirt or tank top for under the drape or a white t-shirt for under the tux.

Picture Day

Retake Picture Day for Students and Staff

Oct. 30, 2024
0800-1130 in the Gym

Questions about retakes? Email the Yearbook Sponsor.

Yearbook Sponsor

Featured Pages


Sports Physical Requirement - All QMHS athletes must have a sports physical each school year from May of the current school year through June 30 of the succeeding year in order to try out for QMHS athletics.

See our DoDEA & QMHS School Handbook (link in the top banner) for information on Eligibility to Participate in Athletics and Clubs.

Click the Flyer button to access the QMHS Athletic Policy Handbook.

Varsity Soccer and Volleyball Action

Follow us on Social Media

DoDEA School Dress Code

Image showing dress code and location of armpit and mid-thigh

Students MUST wear:

  • Tops with sleeves (sleeveless tops/dresses are permitted for school sponsored formal events such as prom)
  • Solid clothing (not transparent or translucent) that fully covers the top and bottom from armpit to mid-thigh
  • Shoes (shoes must be safe for the school environment)
    • Bedroom slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal
    • Open toe shoes with a strap across the heel are allowed

Students CANNOT wear clothing with:

  • Language or images promoting violence
  • Language or images that depict, promote, or advocate the illegal use or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products; violent conduct; curse words; pornography; that contain threats or expressions which are violent, discriminatory, lewd or obscene; or that advocate or promote any other illegal item or activity or the use of same
  • Derogatory speech/imagery targeting groups based on race/color, ethnicity/national origin, sex, disability, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law
  • Headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance or health purpose); clothing items with hoods attached can be worn but must not cover the head

* Teachers/courses can require certain attire as part of the curriculum (for example: physical education, culinary) that may include specific dress

* DoDEA issued athletic uniforms and athletic practice attire outside of the DoDEA school dress code is permitted when worn by participants during athletic practices and sports events

QMHS - Dress Code Clarifications

QMHS and DoDEA believe that a student's attire can affect their attitude, behavior, and achievement. Adherence to the DoDEA School Dress Code ensures that student's clothing and overall appearance meets basic standards for health, safety, cleanliness, and decency. Dress or appearance which disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school will not be tolerated. The administration reserves the right to prohibit an item of clothing that may not be specifically covered by this policy if it threatens the wellness, safety, and security of our school. The DoDEA dress code policy also pertains to all after-school activities and school-sponsored events.

Related regulations

QMHS Activities Outside of School Hours

School Sponsored Nights

QMHS sponsors several programs and activities that occur outside of normal school hours. Often these are referred to as After-School Activities or School Sponsored Nights. These programs and activities are for current QMHS students and are supervised by the administration, staff members, parent volunteers, and the School Resource Officer. If a student is assigned Out of School Suspension, they remain ineligible to attend any School Sponsored activity until 7:20am on the following school day. This time period spans the weekend if the Out of School Suspension is assigned for a Friday. Examples of QMHS School Sponsored Nights could include:

  • College and Career Family Night
  • International Festival
  • Dances*
  • Talent Show
  • Sporting and Athletic Events*
  • Homecoming
  • Family Reading Night
  • National History Day
  • AP and Honors Night
  • Music Concerts
  • Drama Productions
  • Art Shows
  • Inductions into Honor Societies
*See below for details

QMHS Dances

QMHS Dances are open to current QMHS students only. No other students may attend unless special permission is given by the administration. A student wishing to bring a guest must obtain a guest pass from the dance sponsor at least one week prior to the date of the dance. QMHS administration will issue final approval. Further rules include:

  • All school rules, regulations, and policies are in effect while students attend dances
  • Students who attend a dance must have been present at school on the day of the dance unless a waiver is granted by the administration.
  • Transportation to and from the dance is to be provided by the parents or students have permission to drive to school.
  • Students who attend a dance must be picked up (or leave) within 15 minutes of the ending time of the dance. 
    • Students who are picked up late will be restricted from attending the next dance.
  • Parents who wish to retrieve their child early from the dance must either,
    • Pick them up in person, by entering the dance venue and verifying with a chaperone
    • Provide written permission in advance to the dance sponsor
  •  Students who are removed from a dance for any reason will be ineligible to attend future dances unless approved by administration
  • Inappropriate dancing is not allowed. Always be courteous and considerate of fellow students and chaperones.
  • Middle school students may not attend high school dances and high school students may not attend middle school dances.

QMHS Activities and Athletics

All middle school and high school sports, clubs, and organizational meetings will be advertised during the school year.

Eligibility to Participate in Athletics and Clubs

Besides being present at school on the date of the Athletic or Club event, students must meet grade eligibility. Students who meet eligibility requirements have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and no more than one "F" as a course grade. Grades are checked and eligibility is met according to the following procedure:

  • Student grades will be checked by a school counselor every Wednesday morning at 0700. 
  • The eligibility period is from that time (Wednesday morning) through the following Wednesday morning. Students will not be removed from the list mid-week.
  • Students with grades that do not meet these criteria (above) are considered "Ineligible." Until the student brings their grade into compliance, ineligible student athletes:
    • Cannot be in uniform
    • Cannot participate in any game
    • Cannot travel with the team to away games 

Eligibility for athletic and club activities occurring in Semester 1 is determined by student grades from Quarter 4 of the previous school year. Students who complete summer school may use those grades to count toward eligibility.

Related regulations

QMHS - Portable Electronic Media Devices (PEMD)

PEMD are electronic devices that are small enough to be considered portable, and are not owned by the school or by DoDEA. PEMD includes any personally owned devices that can be used by an individual to store and/or maintain digital information, such as: mobile (cell) phones, smart phones, digital cameras, iPads, tablet devices, watches, fitness trackers, and laptops.

All PEMD (including phones) must be stored in lockers during school hours (7:15am-2:15pm). PEMD may not be visible upon entry into the school building.

PEMD are subject to confiscation by any QMHS staff member if they distract from or interfere with students' academic activities, extracurricular activities, or overall safety, health, and wellness.

PEMD violations will result in the device being confiscated and turned in to the main office. Consequences are:

  • 1st Offense: Student will be issued a warning and this infraction will be logged into the Student Information System. Student may pick up device from the main office after dismissal.
  • 2nd Offense: Infraction will be logged into the Student Information System as a subsequent offense. Parent will be contacted to come to the school to retrieve the PEMD.
Related regulations
Name Position Details Phone
School Webmaster School Webmaster

School Hours

  Start Time End Time
Office Hours 7:00 am 3:30 pm
Student Hours 7:20 am 2:20 pm
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